
Mero jiban ko euta katha

  म सोच्थे प्रमिल भावनाहरुको अस्तित्व मेरो जीवनमा छैन।  मेरो जीबन सदाझै उस्तै थियो।  मलाई कहिल्यै लागेको थिएन कि म कसैलाई प्रेम गर्नेछु उ संग सधै जीबन बिताउन लालायित हुनेछु र उसको प्रेममा गहिरो गरि डुब्नेछु।  तर एकदिन अचानक मेरो जीबन बदलियो अनि मैले यो संसारलाई हेर्ने आखा पनि।  म मेरो office को एउटा कार्यक्रम मा ब्यस्त थिए ठिक त्यतिनै बेला मलाई एउटा फोन आयो।  फोन उठाए मयिजुको रहेछ।  किन फोन गर्नु भाको होला भनेर सोच्दै थिए मयिजुले भन्नु भो "बर्षा तिमिले त्यो engagement बेलाको फोटोहरु facebook बाट हटाको रहेनछौ तुरुन्तै हटाई हाल है। " कारण बताउदै मयिजुले भन्नु भयो " एकजना अमेरिकामा बस्ने मान्छे संग बिहेको कुरा आको छ।  उडिसाको सानीआमाले चिनेको मान्छे हो रे। गौरबले तिम्रो facebook id दिनलाइ हेरेको त तिमीले त्यो फोटोहरु हटाएकै रहेनछौ तेही भएर भनेको। " मयिजुको कुरा सुनेपछि मैले हुन्छ म घर पुगेर हटाई हाल्छु भने र फोन राखे। मलाई केहि अजीब लाग्यो र सोचे को होला त्यो मान्छे कस्तो होला।  अनि आफुले facebook बाट फोटो हटावुना बिर्सेको मा पनि आफु कस्तो ...


मलाई कहिल्यै लागेको थिएन कि म कसैलाई प्रेम गर्नेछु उसलाई येति धेरै चाहने छु कि उसको प्रेममा मा सारा संसार लाइ भुलने छु लाग्थ्यो प्रेम केवल एउटा भ्रम हो तर होइन रहेछ यो संसार नै प्रेममा अडेको छ त प्रेम भ्रम कसरि हुन्छ संसारमा स्वार्थी मनहरुले प्रेमलाइ कलंकित बनाएका छन् प्रेम त आफैमा सुन्दर छ निश्चल छ पवित्र छ 

Meaning of Life - 1

The recent news of suicide of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput has shocked everyone. It has also resurfaced various debates at the same time. This tragic event is being analysed from various perspectives. Some people have linked this suicide with depression and how mental is crucial to us whereas many people are also questioning on nepotism in Bollywood. People are really furious on how nepotism in film industry creates lots of barriers to outsiders like Sushant that he felt alone and sidelined by the industry which ultimately became reason of his depression. The investigation is going on in this issue and we cannot claim anything as of now. However, fact of today is that only 34 year old talented actor is no more in this world. He has taken his own life due to depression. This whole scenario has made me think on why people commit suicide? Life and death appears to be opposite of each other but in reality they are very much inter related. Most of the people in the world want a h...

What is love?

Sometimes I wonder what is love and how it happens? You might get attracted with someone but is that attraction really a love? You might not like someone in first meet does that mean there is no possibility? Does love happen at first sight or it takes time to develop? The answer differs from person to person as per their own experience. There are thousands of movies made on love and may be millions of books written. But sometimes I wonder is there anything like romantic love or it is just the expression of our sexual desires. Is any romantic relationship possible without involvement of sexual desires on it? I know it sounds too platonic. Many people say romantic relationship without sex might be possible but not practical at all. One think I can say with 100% assurance that I haven't fallen in love till now? I have got attracted with someone but that I cannot claim love and that was almost one sided. I faded away after some days. I don't know whether love is in my destiny or...